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Justice Research and Innovation

line of riot police
Impacts on Field Training: Recruitment and Retention
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Impact on Field Training Incentives
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Impacts on Field Traing Pairing Trainers Trainees
Recruitment and retention in policing: Challenges and innovative solutions from the field
Policing and emergency preparedness: Enhancing law enforcement's response to mass protests and demonstrations
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Law Enforcement Officer Safety Risks and Recommendations Bulletin
American Counter-Insurgency and Policing
Officer standing in open police car door
Law Enforcement Officer Safety
Using data to advance the justice system: Forecasting, risk-assessments, and predictive analytics in law enforcement
lightbulb shining on squares transforming to a circle
How to Think about Innovation
Crisis intervention: Alternative response models and community responses to people in crisis
Racial equity in traffic stops: Instituting reform by changing data collection and policing practices
Curbing The Spread of Covid-19 in Jails: Innovative approaches for protecting staff and incarcerated people
Innovation during a Pandemic: COVID-19 Adaptations of the Prosecutor’s Office
Law Enforcement-Community Engagement
Charlotte skyline
Supporting a Safer Community in Charlotte: Secondary Victims and the Beginning of Homicide Support Groups
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Navigating Retaliatory Violent Disputes
Richmond skyline
Supporting a Safer Community in Richmond Secondary Victims and the Beginning of Homicide Support Groups
A collage of various protests in the wake of the death of George Floyd
Philadelphia Police Department's Response to Demonstrations and Civil Unrest: May 30 - June 15, 2020
Cover Art Police person icon screened against blue data background
Issue Brief: The Use of Predictive Analytics in Policing
Consent Decrees: Implementation
Consent Decrees: The Basics
Justice Talks: Rural Courts and COVID-19 (Part 2)
Justice Talks: Rural Courts and COVID-19