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Force Readiness

Recruiting, Retaining, and Promoting Hispanic Servicemembers
Two women working at computers
Six Steps Leaders Can Take to Advance Women in Tech
CLF Huntâ„¢
An Army Integrated Prevention Approach for Harmful Behaviors
Aviation engine maintenance
Automated DOD cloud budget tool saves time, optimizes results
How to Use Administrative Data to Measure and Interpret Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in Military Justice Outcomes
Exploring Racial, Ethnic, and Gender Disparities in the Military Justice System
VMFA-115 departs for UDP. Photo taken from appreciation-day.
Feasibility of Thrift Savings Plan
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Leveraging Existing Training and Educational Assessments through the MAC Process
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Wargame Helps a Naval SYSCOM Develop its Wartime Acquisition Response Plan
Virtual Reality for Naval Training
50 Years of the Volunteer Force
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The Promise and Pitfalls of Extended Reality in Naval Training
New Tools for a New Navy
The Most Challenging Recruiting Year on Record?
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Navy Enlisted Detailing Marketplace Assignment Algorithm
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CNA Inclusive NatSec: AI and National Security
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CNA Inclusive NatSec: Inclusivity in Wargaming and Impacts for Defense Planning
Left of Boom Podcast: Meet the Real Charlie from 'Top Gun' (rebroadcast)
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CNA Inclusive NatSec: Gender, Sex, Stability, and Security
CNA Inclusive NatSec Reflections from Lt Col Bree Fram
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CNA Inclusive NatSec Reflections from Carla Koppell
Racial Extremism in the Military
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DOD Continuums of Harm
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Racial Extremism in the Military: A Continuum of Harm