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Map of Puget Sound Washington for Disaster Planning
A New Map Helps Emergency Managers Get Food to Earthquake Survivors
Emergency managers in Greater Seattle use a geographic information system (GIS) interactive map by CNA to plan where to distribute earthquake disaster relief.
Computerized map with crime locations highlighted
Crime Analysis in Action: Success Stories from the Crime Analyst in Residence Program
The Crime Analyst in Residence program of the US Department of Justice helps rural and small-town police departments use data analytics to reduce crime.
Taiwan political rally with Taiwan flags
Taiwan’s Four-Way Presidential Contest Heralds Change
Taiwan’s campaign for the 2024 presidential election shows a decline in major parties, the KMT and DPP, and rising interest in domestic and economic issues.
Computerized map with crime locations highlighted
Crime Analysts: Using Data to Make Communities Safer
Crime analysts identify patterns, trends, and connections in vast datasets to help law enforcement. The crime analysis profession expands along with police data.
Illustration of sky filled with drones delivering packages
Delivery Drones are Coming. Are We Ready?
Controlling the airspace for small package delivery by drones or UAS requires planning that is informed by analysis and modeling with tools such as CNA’s UCATS™.