Center for Critical Incident Analysis
CNA’s Center for Critical Incident Analysis helps agencies and jurisdictions assess and improve their response to real-world emergencies, incidents, and events. CNA employs a scalable approach to conducting after-action reviews, tailored to the complexity of the incident or event, the resources and time available to conduct the review, and the desired outcomes.
What We Do and Where We Do It

ADEPT Process
The CNA ADEPT™ process provides a framework for our critical incident analysis. In this process, CNA scopes our efforts, collects and analyzes relevant data, shares our results, and helps organizations act on critical recommendations.

Collect, Analyze and Share
CNA has been doing real-world incident analysis for more than 20 years. This graphic shares our best practices for ensuring that the products of those efforts are meaningful and impactful for the organizations we serve.

Critical Incident Analysis
CNA has performed incident analysis in 41 states and the District of Columbia. We pride ourselves on analytical rigor, data-driven results, and recommendations that are tailored to the operational environments of the public safety entities we serve.
We sought to better understand what happened, why it happened, and what could be done
next time to mitigate the impact(s)…
January 3-4, 2022, Winter Weather Event and I-95 Incident, CNA, March 2022
Building an Equitable Response
A simple process of asking the right questions before, during, and after disasters keeps equity issues at the forefront and can help organizations get to a place where equity is built into all disaster relief processes.
- To Halt the 2019-nCoV Coronavirus, Think Globally, Coordinate Locally
- COVID-19 Vaccine Supply Chain
- Symbolism and Capacity: Hospital Ships in the COVID-19 Response
- Dorian: An Emergency Management Perspective
- Continuity During the COVID-19 Crisis
- Conducting an Effective Exercise During COVID-19
- Conducting After-Action Reviews on the COVID-19 Pandemic
- Agencies Should Start Now