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Your search for Peter Swartz found 46 results.
- CNA's Peter Swartz Wins Prestigious Commodore Dudley W. Knox Medal
- /our-media/press-releases/2020/07-15
- CNA is pleased to share that Principal Research Scientist Peter Swartz is a 2020 recipient of the Commodore Dudley W. Knox Medal awarded by the Naval Historical Foundation for lifetime achievement in naval history.
- CNA is pleased to share that Principal Research Scientist Peter Swartz is a 2020 recipient of the Commodore Dudley W. Knox Medal awarded by the Naval Historical Foundation for lifetime achievement in naval history. /images/news/PressRelease.png CNA's Peter Swartz Wins Prestigious Commodore Dudley W. Knox Medal CNA is pleased to share that Principal Research Scientist Peter Swartz is a 2020 ... examining Navy strategy, the organizational history of the Navy and the Chief of Naval Operations, and U.S. Navy international relations. "We have been so fortunate to have Peter on our team
- Peter Swartz
- /our-experts/swartz-peter
- Peter Swartz is a CNA expert in U.S. and NATO naval policy, strategy, operations, and organization, and U.S. Navy history.
- Swartz-Peter Peter Swartz is a CNA expert in U.S. and NATO naval policy, strategy, operations, and organization, and U.S. Navy history. /images/Experts/Swartz-Peter.webp Peter Swartz is an expert ... , and a Bachelor of Arts from Brown University in international relations. Peter Swartz Principal Research Scientist Featured Squares white Explore more ... prestigious Commodore Dudley Knox medal for lifetime achievement in naval history. Prior to joining CNA, Swartz was a career officer in the U.S. Navy, retiring as a captain. He served two tours
- Plans and Strategy
- /expertise/plans-and-strategy
- CNA experts in strategy and plans have advised Marine Corps, Navy, homeland security senior leaders for decades, including analysis for today’s force designs.
- across two decades by naval strategist Peter Swartz, winner of the Naval Historical Foundation’s Knox Medal for lifetime achievement in naval history. orange half large Prevailing Under the Nuclear
- Steve Wills
- /our-experts/wills-steve
- Steven Wills is a CNA expert in U.S. Navy strategy, policy, surface welfare programs, and platforms.
- Maritime & Naval Strategy: Festschrift for Captain Peter M. Swartz,” published by the Institute for Security Policy at Kiel University (ISPK). Before coming to CNA , Wills had a 20-year career as a U.S.
- US Navy in the World 1991 to 2000
- /reports/2012/us-navy-in-the-world-1991-to-2000
- These briefings by Peter Swartz cover about 35 U.S. Navy capstone documents, 1970–2010. This briefing focuses on strategy and policy documents, 1991–2000.
- US Navy in the World 1991 to 2000 The U.S. Navy in the World (1991-2000): Context for U.S. Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts These briefings by Peter Swartz cover about 35 U.S. Navy capstone documents, 1970–2010. This briefing focuses on strategy and policy documents, 1991–2000. This brief is built around a series of charts, tables and maps on the following topics: Global trends ... Army relations US Navy-foreign navy relations End of the 1990s: State of the Navy The 1990s vs. the 1980s Peter M. Swartz Karin Duggan /reports/2012/d0026420.a2.pdf /reports/2012/d0026420.a2
- US Navy Capstone 1991 to 2000
- /reports/2012/us-navy-capstone-1991-to-2000
- These briefings by Peter Swartz cover U.S. Navy capstone documents, 1970–. This briefing focuses on Strategy, Policy, Concept, and Vision Documents,1991–2000.
- US Navy Capstone 1991 to 2000 U.S. Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts (1991-2000): Strategy, Policy, Concept, and Vision Documents These briefings by Peter Swartz cover U.S. Navy capstone documents, 1970–. This briefing focuses on Strategy, Policy, Concept, and Vision Documents,1991–2000. This brief is built around a series of charts, tables and maps on the following topics: CNO Admiral ... Johnson Navy Operational Concept Anytime, Anywhere Navy Strategic Planning Guidance Companion references on USN 1990s documents Peter M. Swartz Karin Duggan /reports/2012/d0026416.a2.pdf
- Navy Air Force relationship
- /reports/2011/navy-air-force-relationship
- These briefings by Peter Swartz cover U.S. Navy capstone documents, 1970–. This briefing focuses on U.S. Navy – U.S. Air Force Relationships, 1970-2010
- Navy Air Force relationship U.S. Navy – U.S. Air Force Relationships, 1970-2010 These briefings by Peter Swartz cover U.S. Navy capstone documents, 1970–. This briefing focuses on U.S. Navy – U.S. Air Force Relationships, 1970-2010 This brief is built around a series of charts, tables and maps on the following topics: Introduction & summary Pre-1970s deep legacy 51970s-2000s: Service comparisons 1970s 1980s 1990s 2000s What has driven the relationship? Concluding observations Selected bibliography Glossary Peter M. Swartz Karin Duggan
- Capstone concepts 1970 to 2010 Vol 2
- /reports/2011/capstone-concepts-1970-to-2010-vol-2
- These briefings by Peter Swartz cover some 35 U.S. Navy capstone documents, 1970–2010. This briefing focuses on global and historical context for the documents.
- Capstone concepts 1970 to 2010 Vol 2 U.S. Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts (1970-2010): Comparisons, Contrasts, and Changes: Volume II These briefings by Peter Swartz cover some 35 U.S. Navy capstone documents, 1970–2010. This briefing focuses on global and historical context for the documents. This brief is built around a series of charts, tables and maps on the following topics: Introduction & guide Charts comparing form of the documents Charts comparing substance of the documents Peter M. Swartz Karin Duggan /reports/2011/d0026242.a2.pdf
- Capstone Concepts 1970 to 2010 Vol 1
- /reports/2011/capstone-concepts-1970-to-2010-vol-1
- These briefings by Peter Swartz cover about 35 U.S. Navy capstone documents, 1970–2010. This briefing focuses on Comparisons, Contrasts, and Changes.
- Capstone Concepts 1970 to 2010 Vol 1 U.S. Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts (1970-2010): Comparisons, Contrasts, and Changes: Volume I These briefings by Peter Swartz cover about 35 U.S. Navy capstone documents, 1970–2010. This briefing focuses on Comparisons, Contrasts, and Changes. This brief is built around a series of charts, tables and maps on the following topics: Introduction & guide Ad hocery has ruled Comparing the form of the documents Comparing the substance of the documents Peter M. Swartz Karin Duggan /reports/2011/d0026422.a1.pdf /reports/2011/d0026422.a1
- Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts 2010
- /reports/2011/navy-capstone-strategies-and-concepts-2010
- These briefings by Peter Swartz cover U.S. Navy capstone documents, 1970–. This briefing focuses on Strategies and Concepts, 2001-2010.
- Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts 2010 The U.S. Navy in the World (2001-2010): Context for U.S. Navy Capstone Strategies and Concepts These briefings by Peter Swartz cover U.S. Navy capstone documents, 1970–. This briefing focuses on Strategies and Concepts, 2001-2010. This brief is built around a series of charts, tables and maps on the following topics: Global trends The world ... relations US Navy-foreign navy relations The 2000s vs. the 1990s Postscript (2010-2011) Peter M. Swartz Karin Duggan /reports/2011/d0026242.a2.pdf /reports/2011/d0026242.a2_Page_001.jpg