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Our Reports

CNA analysts produce some 250 reports each year. Those that are available for public release can be found on this page, organized by year.

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Jul 2024
GEAR UP CT Partnership Survey Results
May 2024
Protecting Servicemembers from Foreign Influence
May 2024
Suicidality Among Domestic Terrorists
Apr 2024
The Impact of Individualized Focused Deterrence on Crime
Apr 2024
Individualized Focused Deterrence in St. Louis Police
Apr 2024
Port Security and Emergency Response Using Autonomous Systems
Mar 2024
The Russian Military’s Role in and Views of US-Russian Arms Control
Mar 2024
Law Enforcement Deaths by Suicide
Mar 2024
PRC Activities in Africa: Infrastructure and Mining
Mar 2024
A Primer on Countering Mis-/Dis-/Mal-Information
Mar 2024
Hispanic Representation in the Military and Civilian Sectors
Mar 2024
Recruiting, Retaining, and Promoting Hispanic Servicemembers