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The Port Security and Emergency Response (PS&ER) Using Autonomous Systems (UxS) project focused on applying innovative UxS solutions to enhance the safety, security, and operational effectiveness of the Port of Virginia. This report documents a two-year collaborative effort to advance the use of autonomous vehicles from the conceptual stage to real-world demonstrations. The project began with a series of workshops to first identify and prioritize public safety and emergency response challenges and then generate requirements for UxS technologies to address these challenges. Next, the project funded five cross-domain solutions (air, ground, and maritime) that demonstrated UxS capabilities deployed to detect and observe public safety or emergency response events that affect the Port of Virginia. Based on the outcomes of the project, we explore a holistic integrated solution for PS&ER in the context of port operations and scenarios that enhances the safety, security, and overall effectiveness of the port.

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  • Pages: 28
  • Document Number: IPD-2024-U-038017
  • Publication Date: 4/24/2024