
What Suicide Data for Public Safety Officers Tell Us
The first study of a comprehensive data collection effort on suicides by police and correctional officers shows trends, suggests opportunities for prevention.

CNA: A Cultural Revolution Empowering Business Transformation
CNA Chief Information Officer Rizwan Jan is fostering a collaborative culture to drive innovation, efficiency, and cybersecurity.

NATO’s Navies at 75: Five Operational Imperatives to Watch
At NATO’s 75th anniversary, its navies are investing in five critical areas: surface ships, air defense, antisubmarine warfare, uncrewed platforms, and logistics.

What Hospitals Can Do to Protect Themselves from Ransomware
Hospitals are increasingly victims of ransomware and other costly cyberattacks. They can protect themselves by preparing response plans for cyber disruptions.

Dangers and Opportunities as China’s Loans to Africa Come Due
In Africa, China’s infrastructure loans, secretive contracts, and inflexible debt negotiations have caused economic and debt distress in some countries.