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Your search for Daniel Lawrence found 10 results.

Daniel Lawrence
Daniel Lawrence is a CNA expert in law enforcement technologies and analytics as well as methods to improve police-community relations.
Lawrence-Daniel Daniel Lawrence is a CNA expert in law enforcement technologies and analytics as well as methods to improve police-community relations. /images/Experts/Lawrence-Daniel.webp Daniel Lawrence is an expert in law enforcement technologies and analytics as well as methods to improve police-community relations. His objective is to produce high-quality empirical research using innovative ... Northeastern University, Boston. Daniel Lawrence Ph.D. Research Scientist Featured Squares white Explore more
Sources for Police Use of Force Data
Daniel S. Lawrence and Hannah McLaurin provide a variety of resources to help analysts and policymakers find data on police use of force.
Sources for Police Use of Force Data Daniel S. Lawrence and Hannah McLaurin provide a variety of resources to help analysts and policymakers find data on police use of force. /images/InDepth/Cop%20in%20Mask%20resized.jpg Sources for Police Use of Force Data Daniel S. Lawrence & Hannah McLaurin Daniel Lawrence is a Research Scientist Center for CNA’s Justice Research and Innovation. Hannah McLaurin is a CNA System Engineer for CNA's Center for Data Management and Analytics . Recent social movements for police reform have highlighted the lack of data collected or publicly available
What Suicide Data for Public Safety Officers Tell Us
The first study of a comprehensive data collection effort on suicides by police and correctional officers shows trends, suggests opportunities for prevention.
Suicide Data for Public Safety Officers The first study of a comprehensive data collection effort on suicides by police and correctional officers shows trends, suggests opportunities for prevention. /images/InDepth/2024/04/casket-flag.webp What Suicide Data for Public Safety Officers Tell Us Jessica Dockstader and Daniel Lawrence Jessica Dockstader is an expert in officer wellness and Daniel Lawrence is a specialist in law enforcement research with CNA’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation . Special thanks to Karen Solomon, Joe Willis, Lew Solomon, and First H.E.L.P.
Innovation Day
. ► Pulling Back the Curtain: Examining Better Metrics on Law Dr. Daniel Lawrence In 2023, CNA partnered with the nonprofit First H.E.L.P. to analyze the data it has amassed on public
justice talks: Enhancing use of force data collection to improve community safety
In our previous CNA Justice Talks podcast, we discussed extreme risk protection orders and what types of gun violence these laws are designed to stop. In this episode, Chip Coldren led a discussion with Hannah McLaurin, Dan Lawrence, and Thaddeus Johnson on the data issues related to use of force in policing. Coldren, McLaurin, Lawrence, and Johnson discussed the challenges and lack of data on use of force, why collecting this data is important, and what police agencies can do to improve their data collection efforts.
concepts and systems data analysis. Dr. Daniel Lawrence   is a Research Scientist in CNA’s Center for Justice Research and Innovation. Dan is an expert in technologies and analytics used by law ... 11 In our previous CNA Justice Talks podcast, we discussed extreme risk protection orders and what types of gun violence these laws are designed to stop. In this episode, Chip Coldren led a discussion with Hannah McLaurin, Dan Lawrence, and Thaddeus Johnson on the data issues related to use of force in policing. Coldren, McLaurin, Lawrence, and Johnson discussed the challenges and lack of data
Law Enforcement Deaths by Suicide
The first analysis of a database of 1,287 suicide deaths of police and correctional officers examines age, location, job, life challenges, and other factors.
their death, and details about the death event. Daniel S. Lawrence Jessica Dockstader /reports/2024/03/Law-Enforcement-Deaths-By-Suicide.pdf /reports/2024/03/Law-Enforcement-Deaths-By-Suicide-Cover.webp
Developing a Pilot Risk Assessment Model for Law Enforcement Patrol
CNA used machine learning models on officer injury and death data from police agencies to see how risk assessment could lead to safer dispatch communications.
Dockstader A Pilot Risk Assessment Model for Law Enforcement Patrol Benjamin Carleton Bridgette Bryson Daniel S. Lawrence
Work and Life Stressors of Law Enforcement Personnel
Among 1,000 law enforcement officers and staff surveyed, leadership and supervision are most often mentioned as issues that worsen mental and emotional health.
sense of micromanagement among staff. These changes can enhance workplace culture and promote positive interactions among colleagues. Daniel S. Lawrence Benjamin Carleton /reports/2023/10
Fair and Impartial Policing Assessment East Lansing PD
and impartial policing practices and made recommendations to improve the agency’s impartial policing practices.
(Early Warning System) should be revised. The training on EIS focuses on the technical process of navigating the Guardian Tracking software. Rachel Johnston Daniel S. Lawrence /reports/2022/12
Use of Force Assessment of San Jose PD
This work coincided with an assessment of the SJPD’s efforts to bring the department in line with the recommended best practices promoted in the President’s Task Force on 21st Century Policing report.
and recommendations. Daniel S. Lawrence Tom Christoff /reports/2022/01/USE-OF-FORCE-ASSESSMENT-OF-THE-SAN-JOSE-POLICE-DEPARTMENT.pdf /reports/2022/01/uSE-OF-FORCE-ASSESSMENT-OF-THE-SAN-JOSE-POLICE-DEPARTMENT.PNG