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Your search for Assessment found 201 results.

A Better Approach to Containing Domestic Violent Extremism
After 20 years of intense focus on jihadist terrorism, U.S. policymakers have raised domestic violent extremism to the top of the counterterrorism agenda.
and carefully crafted assessment of the right-wing extremist threat and disbanded the unit that produced the report. The National Strategy for Countering Domestic Terrorism signals a new national
Law Enforcement-Community Engagement
As law enforcement agencies navigate the COVID-19 pandemic and increased calls for social justice, agencies with robust community engagement programs have had more successful public health education efforts.
worked with Ms. Dockstader and Mr. Woodmansee on an assessment of the Hennepin County Sheriff’s Office community engagement practices during the COVID-19 pandemic. As law enforcement agencies
Modeling the Pandemic to Protect Prisoners and Staff
Without adequate testing of staff and inmates and with little experience with the virus, the immediate response is frequently lockdown.
(IPR) is developing a solution to help fill this knowledge gap. We are adapting a model recently developed by CNA’s Fleet Operations and Assessment Program to simulate and predict the spread
Antarctica is the New Arctic
Twenty years ago the Arctic was untouched aside from a few hardy explorers and the occasional submarine. Now the High North has become another facet of great power competition.
incidents over the last two years have raised suspicions. China built its fifth research base on Antarctica without completing the required environmental impact assessment. China and Russia have
The U.S. is Close to a Deal with the Taliban: What’s Next?
Last Friday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Twitter that the United States had officially "come to an understanding with the Taliban on a significant reduction in violence across Afghanistan."
internal defense, insurgency/counterinsurgency, unconventional warfare, stability operations and operations assessment. Last Friday, Secretary of State Mike Pompeo announced on Twitter
Russia's Not-So-Invisible Role in the Libyan Conflict
The Russian Federation's covert and overt activities in the Middle East and beyond have garnered the attention and concern of international observers in recent years.
recently, hollow-point ammunition characteristic of Russian private military snipers has been identified in the corpses of Tripoli militia casualties. One assessment estimates that there have been
How the Bahamas Can Rebuild Quickly — Learning from Puerto Rico
Rebuilding supply chains after the hurricane in the Bahamas requires emergency managers to support private sector supply chains, not just disaster relief.
Resilience and the 2017 Hurricane Season .] Based on our assessment of the U.S. government’s experience in Puerto Rico, the Bahamian government should focus as soon as possible on helping private
cna talks: Latin American Security
This week listen to CNA analyst Dr. William Rosenau discuss Latin American security with CNA’s Dr. Ralph Espach and guest scholar Dr. Joseph Tulchin. The three experts talk about the United States’ bilateral relationships with Mexico, Venezuela and Cuba; the domestic situation in Venezuela; Cuba and regional security; Central America; post-FARC Colombia; and environmental security.
in U.S.-Latin America security relations, climate change and security, and security cooperation monitoring and assessment. His 2016 book, “The Dilemma of Lawlessness” from the Marine Corps University
cna talks: ISIS Tactics
The Islamic State of Iraq and Syria (ISIS) has received a lot of attention for their innovative tactics on and off the battlefield including their messaging, media activities and technology use. How innovative are they really? And, how should the U.S. and allies react? Listen along as Dr. Eric Thompson talks with four of CNA's experts to discuss what you need to know about ISIS's tactics. Topics include: ISIS's use of social media ISIS's use of drones, car bombs and tunnels The importance of holding territory ISIS's affiliates The effects of and reasons for barbarity The transfer of knowledge online The role of virtual technology
and CNA's Special Operations Program. He is an expert in counterterrorism, counterinsurgency, stability operations, operations assessment, Afghanistan, Pakistan and the Middle East. Dr. David Knoll
ai with ai: Just the Tip of the Skyborg
Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news, including the first flight of a drone equipped with the Air Force’s Skyborg autonomy core system. The UK Office for AI publishes a new set of guidance on automated decision-making in government, with Ethics, Transparency and Accountability Framework for Automated Decision-Making. The International Red Cross calls for new international rules on how governments use autonomous weapons. Senators introduce two AI bills to improve the US’s AI readiness, with the AI Capabilities and Transparency Act and the AI for the Military Act. Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin lays out his vision for the Department of Defense in his first major speech, stressing the importantance of emerging technology and rapid increases in computing power. A report from the Allen Institute for AI shows that China is closing in on the US in AI research, expecting to become the leader in the top 1% of most-cited papers in 2023. In research, Ziming Liu and Max Tegmark introduce AI Poincaré, an algorithm that auto-discovers conserved quantities using trajectory data from unknown dynamics systems. Researchers enable a paralyzed man to “text with his thoughts,” reaching 16 words per minute. The Stimson Center publishes A New Agenda for US Drone Policy and the Use of Lethal Force. The Onlife Manifesto: Being Human in a Hyperconnected Era, first published in 2015, is available for open access. And Cade Metz publishes Genius Makers, with stories of the pioneers behind AI.
Ethics, Transparency and Accountability Framework for Automated Decision-Making Ethics, Transparency and Accountability Risk Potential Assessment Form Red Cross Calls for More Limits