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The CNA Military Advisory Board

The CNA Military Advisory Board has been instrumental in opening a public dialogue on climate change, energy security and their connections to national security. It introduced the idea of climate as a “threat multiplier,” impacting stability in the world’s fragile regions, and laid the foundation for the climate security field. Founded in 2006, CNA brought together retired admirals and generals from the U.S. Army, Navy, Air Force and Marine Corps. Since then, the CNA Military Advisory Board has worked collaboratively with CNA research staff on projects that examine linkages between national security and changes in the environment, energy, water and food.


The CNA Military Advisory Board has had substantial influence on U.S. energy and national security policy. Its recommendations and findings have helped shape the U.S. National Security Strategy, National Intelligence Estimates, Quadrennial Defense Review and National Defense Authorization Act. The admirals and generals of the advisory board have briefed White House staff, including the National Security Council. They have testified before Senate committees and briefed scores of officials from the Departments of Defense, State, Transportation, Homeland Security and Energy. They frequently speak at conferences and provide TV and radio interviews on climate and energy security.


Advanced Energy and National Security

Rapid growth in global energy demand will lead to competition, dependencies and potential conflict over fossil fuels. Advanced energy can relieve pressure on fossil fuels while providing opportunities for economic growth, diplomatic ties, and greater influence for the countries that lead in emerging energy markets. The CNA Military Advisory Board found that the United States is not strategically positioned for expected changes and needs to lead in advanced energy to maintain its standing in the world.

Let me also recognize the outstanding work that CNA’s Military Advisory Board has done to show the linkage between energy, the environment, and national security. Your reports have provided important intellectual underpinnings for our efforts in this area. I hope you know how much the Department values your work.

Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta

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Sherri Goodman, Founder CNA Military Advisory Board (MAB) and former Deputy Undersecretary of Defense for Environmental Security

General Ron Keys, USAF (Ret.) Chairman, Former Commander, U.S. Air Force Air Combat Command

Vice Admiral Lee Gunn, USN (Ret.) Vice Chairman, Former Inspector General, Department of the Navy

Brigadier General Gerald Galloway, US Army (Ret.) Vice Chairman, CNA, Dean at the Industrial College of the Armed Forces, National Defense University

General Donald J. Hoffman, USAF (Ret.) Former Commander, Air Force Materiel Command

General Lori J. Robinson, USAF (Ret.) Former Commander, United States Northern Command and North American Aerospace Defense Command

General Charles Wald, USAF, (Ret.) Former Deputy Commander, U.S. European Command

General James Conway, USMC (Ret.) 34th Commandant of the Marine Corps

Vice Admiral Frank Pandolfe, USN (Ret.) Former Assistant to the Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff; Former Director for Strategic Plans and Policy on the Joint Staff

Vice Admiral Ann Rondeau, USN (Ret.) Former President of National Defense University; Former Deputy Commander, U.S. Transportation Command; Former President, Naval Postgraduate School

Lieutenant General Ken Eickmann, USAF (Ret.) Former Commander, Aeronautical Systems Center, Air Force Materiel Command

Lieutenant General Larry Farrell Jr., USAF, (Ret.) Former Deputy Chief of Staff for Plans and Programs, Headquarters U.S. Air Force

Lieutenant General David Beydler, USMC (Ret.) Former Commander, US Marine Corps Forces, Central Command

Lieutenant General Keith J. Stalder, USMC (Ret.) Former Commanding General, U.S. Marine Corps Forces, Pacific

Lieutenant General Richard Zilmer, USMC (Ret.) Former Deputy Commandant for Manpower and Reserve Affairs; Former Commanding General of Multi-National Force, Al Anbar, Iraq

Rear Admiral Neil Morisetti, British Royal Navy (Ret.) Former U.K. Foreign Secretary's Special Representative for Climate Change; Former Commandant, U.K. Joint Services Command and Staff College

Rear Admiral David W. Titley, USN (Ret.) Former Oceanographer and Navigator of the Navy


Cheryl Rosenblum, Senior Director of Strategic Development