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The Combined Joint Task Force–Horn of Africa (CJTF-HOA) sponsored the Emergency Response Information Exchange (ERIE) discussion at Camp Lemonnier, Djibouti, on February 12–14, 2019. The ERIE discussion showed numerous ways in which foreign militaries stationed in Djibouti can contribute to the government of Djibouti’s disaster response operations and improve coordination with one another.

CJTF-HOA asked CNA to design a scenario and facilitate discussions among Djiboutian officials and representatives from the multinational military forces stationed in Djibouti on the response to a large-scale natural disaster in Djibouti City. ERIE included participants from the US, French, Japanese, Italian, German, and Spanish militaries stationed in Djibouti. The discussion also included senior civilian and military representatives from the government of Djibouti and international organizations operating in Djibouti.

ERIE explored coordination among the international military forces in Djibouti and the government of Djibouti to support government of Djibouti-led disaster relief operations. The scenario examined humanitarian assistance and disaster relief (HA/DR) operations in the immediate aftermath of a large-magnitude earthquake that caused extensive damage in Djibouti City. The discussion proceeded in three parts, during which participants planned their individual responses and coordinated with each other to address the challenges presented in the scenario.


The purpose of ERIE was to understand the requirements and expectations for coordination and communication among members of the international community assisting in an HA/DR operation in Djibouti. CJTF-HOA’s objectives for ERIE were to:

  • Facilitate conversation among international partners;
  • Understand the limitations of international militaries’ involvement in humanitarian relief; and
  • Build international coordination mechanisms in Djibouti
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  • Pages: 48
  • Document Number: DRM-2019-U-019925-Final
  • Publication Date: 5/31/2019
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