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CNA’s Health Analytics and Medical Readiness (HAMR) team is comprised of analysts and experts whose skills span health care policy, clinical decision-making, biostatistics and epidemiology, and population health. Due to the complexity of public health issues, we take an interdisciplinary approach to understand critical health care issues as well as the associated impacts on personnel, finances, and public safety. 

HAMR helps Navy Medicine maintain a healthy, ready force. We aim to deliver actionable, evidence-based solutions and recommendations for decision-makers, practitioners and providers, and patients.

Recent projects include assessing the effects of medical accession waivers in the Navy and Marine Corps; updating the Authorized Medical Allowance List for surface combatant ships; and helping to create a concept of operations for expeditionary medical operations involving chemical, biological, radiological, nuclear, or environmental exposures. Under several ongoing studies, we are evaluating the Navy’s blood supply system and the effects of several current initiatives.

We have extensive experience curating and using electronic health record data. With decades of military health data, we studied survivability under different wartime conditions, provided recommendations for the future fight, and assessed the effect of virtual and telehealth options for sailors and marines. Other research areas include traumatic brain injuries, mental health resources, lifecycle costs and billet resources for various medical specialties, and various expeditionary health services and operations.

HAMR analysts are part of CNA’s Resources and Force Readiness division, allowing them to draw upon a wide range of specialists in military personnel, training, resources, and logistics. Their work is further informed by being part of an organization with a deep understanding of naval operations and a long-standing relationship with the Navy.

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  • Publication Date: 6/8/2020