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AI with AI

Episode 5.11: A PIG GR_PH

Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news and research, including an announcement that Ukraine’s defense ministry has begun to use Clearview AI’s facial recognition technology and that Clearview AI has not offered the technology to Russia [1:10]. In similar news, WIRED provides an overview of a topic mentioned in the previous podcast – using open-source information and facial recognition technology to identify Russian soldiers [2:46]. The Department of Defense announces its classified Joint All-Domain Command and Control (JADC2) implementation plan, and also provides an unclassified strategy [3:24]. Stanford University Human-Centered AI (HAI) releases its 2022 AI Index Report, with over 200 pages of information and trends related to AI [5:03]. In research, DeepMind, Oxford, and Athens University present Ithaca, a deep neural network for restoring ancient Greek texts, while including both geographic and chronological attribution; they designed the system to work *with* ancient historians, and the combination achieves a lower error rate (18.3%) than either alone [10:24]. NIST continues refining its taxonomy for identifying and managing bias in AI, to include systemic bias, human bias, and statistical/computational bias [13:51]. Authors Pavel Brazdil, Jan N. van Rijn, Carlos Soares, and Joaquin Vanschoren, Springer-Verlag makes Metalearning available for download, which provides a comprehensive introduction to metalearning and automated machine learning [15:28]. And finally, CNA’s Dr. Anya Fink joins Andy and Dave for a discussion about the uses of disinformation in the Ukraine-Russian conflict [17:15].

CNA Office of Communications

John Stimpson, Communications Associate