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AI with AI

Episode 4.28: Xen and the Art of Motorcell Maintenance

Andy and Dave discuss the latest in AI news, including the European Commission’s proposal for the regulation of AI. A report in Nature Medicine examines the limitations of the evaluation process for medical devices using AI that the FDA approves. Researchers at MIT translate spider webs into sounds to explore how spiders might sense their world, and they using machine learning to classify sounds by spider activities. An NIH panel releases its preliminary ethics rules on making brain-like structures such as neural organoids and neural transplants, and finds little evidence that these structures experience humanlike consciousness or pain. And Andy and Dave spend some time with xenobioticists Sam Kriegman and Doug Blackiston, who discuss the motivations and findings behind their latest generation of xenobots, synthetic living machines that they have been designing and building in their labs.

CNA Office of Communications

John Stimpson, Communications Associate