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AI with AI

Episode 3.14: Gremlin Pie!

Happy Pi-cast! Andy and Dave discuss some of the stories that have followed the New York Times articles on Clearview AI, to include Twitter telling the company to stop using its photos, and a consortium of 40 agencies calls on the U.S. government to ban facial recognition systems until more is known about the technology. Meanwhile, London’s Metropolitan Police is rolling out live facial recognition technology. BlueDot says that it used AI and its epidemiologists to send a warning about the Wuhan virus on 31 December 2019, a full week before the US CDC announcement on 6 January 2020. Google releases the largest high-resolution map of the fruit fly’s brain, with 25,000 neurons. DARPA’s Gremlin (X-61A) drone system makes its first test flight. And the Guinness Book of World Records recognizes Stephen Worswick as the most frequent winner (5 times) of the Loebner Prize, for his Mitsuku chatbot. In research, Facebook AI achieves near-perfect (99.9%) navigation without needing a map, testing its algorithm in its AI Habitat. Robert J. Marks makes The Case *for* Killer Robots. The Brookings Institute’s Indermit Gill predicts that the AI leader in 2030 will “rule the planet” until at least 2100. The ACT-IAC releases an AI Playbook, with step-by-step guidance for assessment, readiness, selection, implementation, and integration. Jessica Flack examines the Collective Computation of Reality in Nature and Society. Google’s Dataset Search is out of beta. And DoD will be holding its East Coast AI Symposium and Exposition 29 and 30 April in Crystal City.

CNA Office of Communications

John Stimpson, Communications Associate