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William Rosenau, Ph.D.

William Rosenau, Ph.D.

Senior Advisor

William Rosenau is a specialist in political instability and violence. At CNA he has led or participated in projects focusing on irregular warfare, U.S. domestic terrorism, and police and paramilitary assistance in conflict zones. His books include “U.S. Internal Security Assistance to South Vietnam: Insurgency, Subversion, and Public Order" (Routledge, 2012); and “Tonight We Bombed the U.S. Capitol” (Atria Books/Simon & Schuster, 2020). His articles have appeared in Studies in Conflict & Terrorism; Terrorism and Political Violence; Intelligence and National Security; Small Wars & Insurgencies; and other peer-reviewed journals. His articles have also appeared in War on the Rocks, Politico, Foreign Policy and the National Interest.

Before joining CNA, he held research and staff positions at the RAND Corporation, the Office of the Coordinator for Counterterrorism at the Department of State, the Office of the Assistant Secretary of Defense for Special Operations and Low-Intensity Conflict, the U.S. Department of Defense Commission on Roles and Missions of the Armed Forces, and the National Security Program at Harvard’s Kennedy School.

Rosenau holds a Ph.D. in war studies from Kings College, London, a Master of Arts in history from Cambridge University, and a Bachelor of Arts in political science from Columbia University.