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Your search for Systems Engineering found 92 results.

ai with ai: PROGRESS Out of the Blue
Andy and Dave have a chat with Chad Jenkins, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, Director of the Laboratory for Perception, RObotics, and Grounded REasoning SystemS (PROGRESS), and newest member of CNA's Board of Trustees. They discuss Chad's background and his current research at Michigan, which includes interactive robot systems and human-robot interaction. And then they discuss a variety of topics ranging from movement primitives, neural networks and fat tails, the issue of reinvention, students' experiences with AI research and the role of historical research, the culture of research in AI, and much more.
Andy and Dave have a chat with Chad Jenkins, Professor of Computer Science and Engineering at the University of Michigan, Director of the Laboratory for Perception, RObotics, and Grounded REasoning SystemS (PROGRESS), and newest member of CNA's Board of Trustees. They discuss Chad's background and his current research at Michigan, which includes interactive robot systems and human-robot interaction. And then they discuss a variety of topics ranging from movement primitives, neural networks and fat tails, the issue of reinvention, students' experiences with AI research and the role
ai with ai: The (Creepy) Aristobots (part 2)
This week, Microsoft Research and the University of Montreal show that machines can learn through interactive language by answering questions (question answering with interactive text, or QAit). The Allen Institute for AI’s Aristo system, a suite of eight solves, can pass (90%+) the New York 8th Grade regents science exams (for non-diagram, multiple-choice questions), and can exceed 83% on the 12th-grade exam, though Melanie Mitchell suggests the achievement may not be as profound as it seems. A “meta-research” paper from Milan and Klagenfurt takes a broader look at neural network research and highlights concerns of reproducibility (or lack thereof) as well as utility (or lack thereof, where simple heuristic methods can outperform the neural networks). From a workshop organized by Max Tegmark and Emilia Javorsky, a group of diverse authors produced a “possibility of a middle road” look at roadmapping a way ahead for Autonomous Weapons Systems. An opinion piece from Zachary Kallenborn on War on the Rocks looks at What If the US Military Neglects AI? A paper in Nature provides an overview of open-ended evolution, as a part of artificial life. Gary Marcus and Ernest Davis publish a book on Rebooting AI: Building AI We Can Trust. The 57th Annual Meeting of the Association for Computational Linguistics occurred at the end of July, and Kate Koidan provides a summary of the top trends. The IEEE ranks robot creepiness with the top 100 creepy robots. Booz Allen releases a documentary on the Dawn of Generation AI. And the Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center (NAVFAC EXWC) will host an industry day conference on cyber, control systems, and machine learning in December.
by Max Tegmark and Emilia Javorsky, a group of diverse authors produced a “possibility of a middle road” look at roadmapping a way ahead for Autonomous Weapons Systems. An opinion piece from Zachary ... of the top trends. The IEEE ranks robot creepiness with the top 100 creepy robots. Booz Allen releases a documentary on the Dawn of Generation AI. And the Naval Facilities Engineering and Expeditionary Warfare Center (NAVFAC EXWC) will host an industry day conference on cyber, control systems, and machine learning in December. /images/AI-Posters/AI_2_43.jpg The (Creepy) Aristobots (part 2) Research
ai with ai: Countering AI Classifiers, and Introducing Doubt to AI
Andy and Dave discuss a newly announced method of attack on the speech-to-text capability DeepSpeech, which introduces noise to an audio waveform so that the AI does not hear the original message, but instead hears a message that the attacker intends. They also discuss the introduction of probabilistic models to AI as a way for AI to "embrace uncertainty" and make better decisions (or perhaps doubt whether or not humans should remain alive). And finally, Andy and Dave discuss some recent applications of AI to different areas of scientific study, particularly in the examination of very large data sets.
large data sets. Countering AI Classifiers, and Introducing Doubt to AI TOPICS From images to voice Targeted Attacks on Speech-to-Text DeepSpeech Adversarial Spheres AI systems that   doubt   themselves: AI will make better decisions by embracing uncertainty Google and Others Are Building AI Systems That Doubt Themselves Edward   programming language Pyro ... is changing how we do science. Get a glimpse. CERN Releases 300 Terabytes Worth Of Data To The Public AI physicists: The machines cracking the quantum code Engineering:   Can computers
ai with ai: Life Is Like a Box of Matrices
Andy and Dave start with COVID-related AI news, and efforts from the Roche Data Science Coalition for UNCOVER (the United Network for COVID-19 Data Exploration and Research), which includes a dataset of a curated collection of over 200 publicly available COVID-19 related datasets; efforts from Akai Kaeru are included. The Biomedical Engineering Society publishes an overview of emerging technologies to combat COVID-19. Zetane Systems uses machine learning to search the DrugVirus database and information from the National Center for Biotechnology to identify existing drugs that might be effective against COVID. And researchers at the Walter Reed Army Institute of Research are using machine learning to narrow down a space of 41 million compounds to identify candidates for further testing. And the IEEE hosted a conference on 9 July, "Does your COVID-19 tracing app follow you forever?" In non-COVID-related AI news, MIT takes offline the TinyImages dataset, due to its inclusion of derogatory terms and images. The second (actually first) wrongful arrest from facial recognition technology (again by the Detroit Police Department) comes to light. Appen Limited releases its annual "State of AI and ML" report, with a look at how businesses are (or aren’t) considering AI technologies. Anaconda releases its 2020 State of Data Science survey results. And the International Baccalaureate Educational Foundation turn to machine learning algorithms to predict student grades, due to COVID-related cancelations of actual testing, and much to the frustration of numerous students and parents. Research from the Vector Institute and the University of Toronto tackles analogy and the Raven Progressive Matrices with an ensemble of three neural networks for objects, attributes, and relationships. Researchers at the University of Sydney and the Imperial College London have established CompEngine, a collection of time-series data (over 24,000 initially) from a variety of fields, and have placed them into a common feature space; CompEngine then self-organizes the information based on empirical properties. Garfinkel, Shevtsov, and Guo make Modeling Life available for free. Meanwhile, Russell and Norvig release the not-so-free 4th Edition of AI: A Modern Approach. Lex Fridman interviews Norvig in a video podcast. And Elias Henriksen creates the Computer Prophet, which generates metaphors from a database of collected sayings.
a dataset of a curated collection of over 200 publicly available COVID-19 related datasets; efforts from Akai Kaeru are included. The Biomedical Engineering Society publishes an overview of emerging technologies to combat COVID-19. Zetane Systems uses machine learning to search the DrugVirus database and information from the National Center for Biotechnology to identify existing drugs that might ... Announcements / News - "Just" AI MIT pulls offline huge dataset that taught AI systems to use racist, misogynistic slurs Announcement Paper about problems with dataset Facial
and principles of engineering in the design, development, and utilization of machines, materials, instruments, processes, and systems. Services may involve any of the following activities: provision of advice ... to professional engineering services; operation and maintenance, evaluation of inspection, testing, and maintenance program for fire protection and life safety systems, program/project management ... , program evaluations, acquisitions planning, requirements analysis and concept development, enterprise data and information management, testing and maintenance, network systems engineering
cna talks: Linking Supply Chains After a Disaster
With the hurricane season around the corner, this episode of CNA Talks explores the importance of supply chains and communication in the aftermath of a disaster. CNA’s Delilah Barton and Lars Hanson are experts in emergency preparedness, strategy and planning. They discuss CNA’s work helping cities, states and the federal government respond to disasters.
Management Professional.  Lars Hanson serves as a research scientist at CNA. He is an expert in infrastructure systems, natural resources, planning and decision support, environmental modeling, disaster ... water stress analysis, environmental impacts of energy infrastructure development, and energy-water nexus analysis for the power sector. Hanson has an MS in water resources engineering from Tufts University, and a BS in civil engineering and public policy from Carnegie Mellon University.  Related Materials Learn more about CNA expertise on supply chain resilience :  Video: Supply Chain
cna talks: A New Tool to Protect First Responders
As cities across the country become more networked and connected with smart sensors, more data is available to first responders than ever before. But how can this data be interpreted efficiently in emergencies where every second counts? In this episode, John Crissman and Shaelynn Hales from CNA and Godfrey Nolan, founder and CEO of RIIS LLC, join the show. We discuss their award-winning First Responder Awareness Monitoring during Emergencies (FRAME) System, which takes in data from these sensors, uses machine learning to interpret the information, and aggregates that into a common data view to increase emergency situational awareness.
of CNA’s Center for Data Management Analytics. She is an expert in systems engineering, data management, data analytics, and integrated program management support. John Crissman   is a Research Analyst
2009Reprinted December 2024Keith M. Costa, DirectorExpeditionary Systems and Support TeamAdvanced Technology & Systems Analysis iContentsSummary ... . First, we based our research on the project team’s first-hand experience with wargaming, as both game designers and game analysts.1 Second, we researched existing wargame systems and interviewed leading ... players focus on execution•Deliberate planning•Define ROE•Promulgate intent•Identify forces and systems•Crisis-action planning•Implement intent and ROE•Request changes to intent and ROE inresponse
and transfer11The Department of Defense provides specific guidance for the devel-opment of military training programs.3 The DoD systems approach issimilar in structure to Gagne’s model. Table 2, taken from ... well to touch on as many of the various elements of3.Department of Defense, MIL-STD-1379D, Military Standard: MilitaryTraining Programs, December 1990.Table 2.DoD steps in systems approach ... of the major tasks and a brief description of the content ofeach.It is interesting to compare the process of wargame creation wedefine in table 5 to the steps of the DoD systems approach for devel-oping
]. The obvious key words here are scientific and quantitative. Despite the fact that the field of defense analysis has broadened to encompass operations analysis, systems analysis, engineering, policy ... effectively. Gaming is a potentially promising technique for exploring such issues. The nature of gaming, its strengths and weaknesses, and its relationship to operations and systems analysis ... . 8Wargame defined•The usual, vague, definition–Any type of warfare modeling –Simulation, campaign and systems analysis, exercises•Definition from The Art of WargamingA warfare model or simulation that does