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The Artificial Intelligence in Russia newsletter features a summary of recent Russian-language reports on the Russian AI and autonomy ecosystem, divided into the following sections:

  • Governance and Legal Developments
  • Military and Security Developments
  • Corporate and Market Developments
  • Education and Training Developments
  • International Collaboration
  • Spotlight: The Haspersky Antidrone System

The following preview shows the first item in this issue:

1. Putin stresses AI development at numerous defense industry meetings

On November 3, in an annual meeting with Ministry of Defense and Russian defense industry leaders, Russian president Vladimir Putin stated that artificial intelligence “should ensure a breakthrough in improving combat capabilities of weapons” and stressed the need to prioritize AI-enabled systems in the State Armament Program through 2033.

Putin stressed the importance of “develop[ing] and introduce[ing] the technology needed for developing new hypersonic weapon systems, and more powerful lasers and robotic systems that will be capable of effectively countering potential military threats” and argued that “the use of artificial intelligence technology is of primary importance in developing these and other advanced weapons systems.” Among such advanced systems, he also noted command and control systems, precision-guided missiles, “advanced robotics with higher autonomy, and [means] to control drones and deep-water vessels.” On the previous day of this meeting, Putin also stressed the importance of further development of unmanned aviation, pointing out that the Russian military currently has over 2,000 unmanned aerial systems.

In a separate meeting of the Military-Industrial Commission on November 10, Putin similarly stressed the “need to focus on introducing advanced information, bio- and cognitive technology, hypersonic arms, [and] weapons based on new physical principles, as well as cutting-edge reconnaissance, navigation, communications and control systems.” He argued that it was important to “enhance the utility and combat sustainability of military products, partly through artificial intelligence and, of course, extensive use of robotics.” He further noted that these technologies “will decisively determine the future look and combat potential of [the Russian] Armed Forces.”

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  • Pages: 20
  • Document Number: DOP-2021-U-031265-Final
  • Publication Date: 11/30/2021