Serving the Community
Educational & Charitable Fund Committee (ECFC)
The Educational & Charitable Fund Committee (ECFC) is a nonprofit organization that encourages employees to support charities and donate their time in service to others.
The ECFC committee organizes a variety of events:
- Raising money for local and national charities.
- Organizing in-kind donation drives.
- Facilitating opportunities to volunteer and participate in charitable events.
For example, CNA employees hold monthly youth programs with the children of Bridges to Independence, a local shelter for families who are homeless. Volunteers present fun activities with an educational focus, engaging the children in hands-on learning.
The ECFC’s mission:
- To promote the arts, health, education, welfare, and environment in the community.
- To reinforce CNA’s dedication to a public interest ethic.
- To help fellow employees overcome catastrophic or temporary financial hardship.
Combined Federal Campaign
Through a unique arrangement with the Department of the Navy, CNA also participates in the federal government's Combined Federal Campaign, giving employees another means to support local and national charities. Once again in 2019, CNA received the Department of the Navy CFC Merit Award for surpassing our goal. We raised $94,034 and CNAers volunteered one hundred hours of service to CFC charities.