introductionenlited accessionsEnlisted ForceOfficersReserve EnlistedReserve OfficersUSCGAppendix

Appendix E:

Coast Guard Active Component Applicant, and Active Component
and Selected Reserve Enlisted Accessions, Enlisted Force,
Officer Accessions, and Officer Corps Tables

E–1 FY 2004 Coast Guard Applicants for Active Component Enlistment by Age and Gender
E–2 FY 2004 Coast Guard Applicants for Active Component Enlistment by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
E–3 FY 2004 Coast Guard Applicants for Active Component Enlistment by AFQT Category, Gender and Race/Ethnicity
E–4 FY 2004 Coast Guard Applicants for Active Component Enlistment by Education, Gender and Race/Ethnicity
E–5 FY 2004 Coast Guard NPS Active Component Enlisted Accessions by Age and Gender
E–6 FY 2004 Coast Guard NPS Active Component Enlisted Accessions by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
E–7 FY 2004 Coast Guard NPS Active Component Enlisted Accessions by AFQT Category, Gender and Race/Ethnicity
E–8 FY 2004 Coast Guard NPS Active Component Enlisted Accessions by Education, Gender and Race/Ethnicity
E–9 FY 2004 Coast Guard NPS Active Component Enlisted Accessions by Quality, Gender and Race/Ethnicity
E–10 FY 2004 Coast Guard PS Active Component Enlisted Accessions by Age and Gender
E–11 FY 2004 Coast Guard PS Active Component Enlisted Accessions by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
E–12 FY 2004 Coast Guard PS Active Component Enlisted Accessions by Quality, Gender and Race/Ethnicity
E–13 FY 2004 Coast Guard PS Active Component Enlisted Accessions by Education, Gender and Race/Ethnicity
E–14 FY 2004 Coast Guard Active Component Enlisted Members by Age Group and Gender
E–15 FY 2004 Coast Guard Active Component Enlisted Members by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
E–16 FY 2004 Coast Guard Active Component Enlisted Members by Occupational Area, Gender and Race/Ethnicity
E–17 FY 2004 Coast Guard Active Component Officer Accessions and Officer Corps by Age
E–18 FY 2004 Coast Guard Active Component Officer Accessions and Officer Corps by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
E–19 FY 2004 Coast Guard Active Component Officer Corps by Occupational Area, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity
E–20 FY 2004 Coast Guard Active Component Officer Accessions and Officer Corps by Source of Commission, Gender, and Race/Ethnicity
E–21 FY 2004 Coast Guard Active Component Warrant Officer Accessions and Officer Corps by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
E–22 FY 2004 NPS Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Accessions by Age Group and Gender
E–23 FY 2004 NPS Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Accessions by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
E–24 FY 2004 Prior Service Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Accessions by Age Group and Gender
E–25 FY 2004 Prior Service Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Accessions by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
E–26 FY 2004 Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Members by Age Group and Gender
E–27 FY 2004 Coast Guard Reserve Enlisted Members by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
E–28 FY 2004 Coast Guard Reserve Officer Accessions and Officer Corps by Age Group
E–29 FY 2004 Coast Guard Reserve Officer Accessions and Officer Corps by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
E–30 FY 2004 Coast Guard Reserve Officer Accessions and Officer Corps by Source of Commission
E–31 FY 2004 Coast Guard Reserve Warrant Officer Accessions and Warrant Officers by Race/Ethnicity and Gender
