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Your search for Vivian Elliott found 4 results.

Vivian Elliott
Vivian Elliott is a CNA expert in criminal justice and emergency preparedness.
Elliott-Vivian Vivian Elliott is a CNA expert in criminal justice and emergency preparedness. /images/Experts/Elliott-Vivian.webp Vivian Elliott is an expert in criminal justice and emergency ... University and a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry and molecular biotechnology from the University of California, Davis. Vivian Elliott Co-Director Featured Squares white Explore more ... and procedures. Elliott has received CNA’s Safety and Security Principles Award and CNA’s Safety and Security Initiative Award. Prior to joining CNA, Elliott conducted forensic research for the FBI
Center for Justice Research and Innovation
Helps justice agencies sustain organizational and system-wide improvements and innovations through research, analysis and practical solutions.
/quick-looks/2021/impacts-of-field-training-officer-programs-pairing-trainers-and-trainees /reports/2021/09/methuen-police-department-performance-audit /quick-looks/2021/officer-safety-bja /our-research/explore-all Contacts Vivian Elliott Co-Director half /images/Centers
cna talks: Policing
In a new occasional series on CNA’s policing programs, James “Chip” Coldren and Vivian Elliott sit down to discuss the capabilities of CNA’s Justice Group. Vivian lays out the group’s training and technical assistance programs including the Strategies for Policing Innovation initiative, the National Public Safety Partnership and the Body-Worn Camera Policy Implementation Program. Chip then discusses the program’s research projects, including efforts to increase officer safety and study the efficacy of body-worn cameras. Finally, the two discuss the Justice Group’s high-profile after-action report of an officer-involved shooting in Baltimore.
Policing In a new occasional series on CNA’s policing programs, James “Chip” Coldren and Vivian Elliott sit down to discuss the capabilities of CNA’s Justice Group. Vivian lays out the group’s training and technical assistance programs including the Strategies for Policing Innovation initiative, the National Public Safety Partnership and the Body-Worn Camera Policy Implementation Program. Chip ... effectiveness. Vivian Elliott   is the assistant director of CNA’s Justice Group. She is currently the project director for two national training and technical assistance programs for the Department
cna talks: Justice Talks: COVID-19 and Court Systems
In the first episode of our new occasional series, Justice Talks, Vivian Elliott sits down with Brad Berry the District Attorney for Yamhill County, Oregon. They discuss how prosecutors' offices are adapting to the new normal, under COVID-19.
Justice Talks: COVID-19 and Court Systems In the first episode of our new occasional series, Justice Talks, Vivian Elliott sits down with Brad Berry the District Attorney for Yamhill County, Oregon. They discuss how prosecutors' offices are adapting to the new normal, under COVID-19. Justice Talks: COVID-19 and Court Systems Biographies Brad Berry has served as the District Attorney for Yamhill County, Orgeon since 1996. He received his law degree from Gonzaga University. Vivian Elliott is an expert in criminal justice and emergency preparedness. She supports law enforcement agencies