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Your search for James R. Coldren, Jr found 18 results.
- What a Stronger U.S.-Philippine Alliance Means for Beijing
- /our-media/indepth/2023/04/what-a-stronger-u.s.-philippine-alliance-means-for-beijing
- James Bellacqua examines the impact of greater security cooperation between the U.S. and the Philippines on Beijing and the Indo-Pacific region.
- What a Stronger U.S.-Philippine Alliance Means for Beijing James Bellacqua examines the impact of greater security cooperation between the U.S. and the Philippines on Beijing and the Indo-Pacific region. /images/InDepth/2023/US-Philippine-Flag.jpg What a Stronger U.S.-Philippine Alliance Means for Beijing James Bellacqua James Bellacqua is a Principal Research Scientist with CNA’s China Studies ... security cooperation has improved significantly under the new Philippine President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. On April 11, the U.S. Secretaries of State and Defense and their Philippine counterparts held
- The East and South China Seas: One Sea, Near Seas, Whose Seas?
- /our-media/indepth/2024/05/the-east-and-south-china-seas
- China sees the East and South China Seas as its unified “near seas.” Other nations in the region dispute that, noting distinct differences between the seas.
- approaches. In the Philippines , President Ferdinand Marcos Jr. has noted the need for a “ paradigm shift ” in terms of diplomatic approaches to the disputes — this stark rhetoric contributes to increased
- 50 Years of the Volunteer Force
- /our-media/indepth/2023/01/50-years-of-the-volunteer-force
- On the 50 anniversary of the All-Volunteer Force, Jeffrey Peterson this force made created a more professional enlisted force than its draft-induced predecessor.
- . In his memoir, The Line of Fire , former Chairman of the Joint Chiefs Admiral William Crowe Jr. summed up the observations of many: The main reason we did so well once we got there was the skill
- Elections in South Korea and the Philippines: Opportunities for Deeper U.S. Security Cooperation
- /our-media/indepth/2022/03/elections-in-south-korea-and-the-philippines
- James Bellacqua discusses how elections in South Korea and the Philippines could lead to greater security cooperation with the U.S.
- Elections in South Korea and the Philippines James Bellacqua discusses how elections in South Korea and the Philippines could lead to greater security cooperation with the U.S. /images/InDepth/Post113.jpg Elections in South Korea and the Philippines: Opportunities for Deeper U.S. Security Cooperation Elections in South Korea and the Philippines 113 James Bellacqua James Bellacqua is a Principal ... to be close. The current frontrunner is Ferdinand Marcos, Jr., son of the former Philippine president who led the country from 1965 to 1986. Marcos has allied himself with the daughter of the incumbent
- cna talks: Justice and Policing in the U.S.
- /our-media/podcasts/cna-talks/2017/justice-and-policing-in-the-u.s
- This week CNA Board member and George Mason University professor Laurie Robinson sits down with a few of CNA's policing experts to discuss the most pressing topics in justice and policing today. The conversation covers everything from police reform and evidence-based research to body-worn cameras and police departments' use of social media. Hear what some of today's top criminal justice experts think about training, transparency and accountability, community policing, crisis intervention, and federal support of the police.
- Policing Initiative" by Tammy Felix, Laura Kunard, Ph.D., James "Chip" Coldren, Ph.D., and James "CHIPS" Stewart in The Police Chief Magazine "Body-Worn Police Cameras: Separating Fact From Fiction" by CNA's James "Chip" Coldren, Jr., Ph.D. and Michael White, Ph.D. in PM Magazine CNA/COPS report, Las Vegas After-Action Assessment: Lessons Learned from the Las Vegas Metropolitan ... , the Department's research, statistics and grants agency. Dr. James "Chip" Coldren is managing director of the Justice Group in CNA's Safety and Security division. He has over 35 years of research
- gaming-the-gig-a-brief-manifesto
- /documents/centers/cna/ow/gaming-the-gig-a-brief-manifesto.pdf
- of the Chief of Military History, MS P-094, 1952 [8]Col Matthew B. Caffrey, Jr., USAFR. “Red Flag For Joint Cam-paigns: Building a more effective Air and Joint Force throughbetter operation and strategic ... , October 2002.Available online at [13]Andrew F. Krepinevich, Jr. “Military Experimentation: Timeto Get Serious
- wargame-creation-skills-and-the-wargaming-construction-kit
- /documents/centers/cna/ow/wargame-creation-skills-and-the-wargaming-construction-kit.pdf
- breakdown of the tasks associated withcreating and using games.•During the 1970s and 1980s, James F. Dunnigan was the pub-lisher and creative engine for a company called SimulationsPublications ... magazine. Wargame Design. New York:Hippocrene Books, 1977. James F. Dunnigan. The Complete WargamesHandbook: How to Play, Design, and Find Them. New York: William Morrowand Company, Inc., 1980.8.Peter P ... , then the designer failed to meet the objec-tives.16.William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White. The Elements of Style, 3rd ed. New York:Macmillan, 1979, p. xiv.42Bad developmentA game can also fail by not being fun
- vcu-life-report
- /documents/centers/ipr/jri/precision policing initiative/ppi resources/vcu-life-report.pdf
- , and interactions with law enforcement. The curriculum offered time for field trips, including a trip to the Martin Luther King Jr. memorial in Washington, D.C., visits to local historical museums ... officer an officer of the law?: The status of police officers in schools. The Journal of Criminal Law & Criminology, 99(2), 541-573. Trinkner, R., & Cohn, E. S. (2014). Putting the "Social" Back in Legal Socialization: Procedural Justice, Legitimacy, and Cynicism in Legal and Nonlegal Authorities. Law and Human Behavior, 38(6), 602-617. doi:10.1037/lhb0000107 Wu, Y., Lake, R., & Cao, L. (2015