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Your search for April Herlevi found 24 results.

NSS Event November 17 2022
The Chinese Communist Party 20th Congress emphasized external risks, threats, and “deficit of peace,” CNA China experts told the National Security Seminar.
at Columbia University; and Dr. April Herlevi, Senior Research Scientist in CNA’s Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program. The discussion was moderated by National Public Radio’s Beijing correspondent ... ensuring political and regime security (i.e., party supremacy)—along with economic security—as fundamental tasks of China’s domestic security. The Global Security Initiative, released in April 2022 ... , or wherever the PRC sees challenges to its sovereignty. This could include the Indian border, South China Sea, Yellow Sea, or Taiwan. Technology and Innovation Dr. Herlevi noted that the party’s
Mobilizing Cooperation to Advance National Security
, China Studies Program, CNA, and Senior Research Scholar, Weatherhead East Asian Institute, Columbia University, and  April Herlevi , Senior Research Scientist, Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program
New Report: How China Legally Accesses Foreign Technologies to Build Military Capabilities
China’s ability to access critical technology, from intellectual property to microchip designs, could ultimately erode the technological superiority of the United States and its allies, particularly in the strategically significant Indo-Pacific region.
lead report coauthor April Herlevi. Adds lead coauthor Rose Tenyotkin, "Additionally, since these methods are legal, and often subtle, we have observed a gap in awareness by the broader public. Many
Taiwan Lessons Learned from the Russia-Ukraine War
This report examines Taiwan’s lessons learned from the 2022 Russian invasion of Ukraine and how they are already influencing Taiwan’s defense strategy and created a sense of urgency for government leaders.
April Herlevi /reports/2024/12/Taiwan-Lessons-Learned-from-the-Russia-Ukraine-War_Image.png
PRC Laws Policies and Regulations Implications for National Security Interests
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) has passed a large number of laws, policies, and regulations that could have implications for US supply chains and the defense industrial base.
/centers-and-divisions/cna/cip/china-studies DISTRIBUTION STATEMENT A. Unlimited Distribution; Approved for Public Release. 24 DAB-2022-U-031814-Final April Herlevi
Economic Statecraft China
The People’s Republic of China (PRC) pursues its national security objectives through a wide variety of cross-domain activities. The PRC’s legal economic statecraft activities are connected directly to China’s growing military power. China’s legal means of obtaining technology damages the technological superiority of the United States and its partners and allies. This report illustrates the pathways by which China legally acquires foreign technology and builds capabilities to support its national security objectives. These pathways include: (1) trade, (2) market access requirements, (3) overseas investment, and (4) the transfer of human capital. This report also identifies key challenges for the United States in countering China’s efforts. First, the PRC is ambitious and adapts it economic techniques to deal with changing regulatory environments. Second, the United States has multiple “leakage points” that provide avenues for the PRC to access emerging technology. Third, China offers appealing incentives that put the US and other countries as risk of technology loss. Thus, a comprehensive strategy for technology protection is needed to address China’s foreign technology acquisition.
of scientific and defense research are vulnerable to having their IP accessed through a wide range of PRC economic activities. Rose Tenyotkin April Herlevi /reports/2020/08/DRM-2020-U-027240-1Rev.pdf
Insights on the 20th National Congress of the Chinese Communist Party
CNA China Studies analysts probe what the party congress means for the Chinese military, foreign policy and sensitive technologies.
Communist Party: Foreign Policy, Technology and Military Dimensions. Panelists David Finkelstein, Elizabeth Wishnick and April Herlevi explain what the congress means for the People’s Liberation Army
cna talks: Alliance Wedge Strategies: China
In great power strategic competition, states deploy wedge strategies to divide, weaken, and prevent opposing alliances. In part one of a two-part series on the topic, host David Wallsh moderates a discussion on Chinese wedge strategies in the Indo-Pacific and how the United States can address this challenge.  
cooperation programs. April Herlevi is a Senior Research Scientist in CNA’s China and Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Division. Dr. Herlevi is an expert on the People’s Republic of China's (PRC) foreign
CNA Analysts Share How 9/11 Impacted Their Careers
Eight CNA analysts share the stories of how the events of September 11, 2001, shaped their careers.
for a national security professional. It is one of the reasons I chose to come to CNA in the first place. Dr. April Herlevi Senior Research Scientist Indo-Pacific Security Affairs Program To put
cna talks: Ukraine Today, Taiwan Tomorrow
This episode covers how Taiwan applies lessons from the Ukraine War to prepare for a potential invasion from the People’s Republic of China. 
Ukraine Today, Taiwan Tomorrow This episode covers how Taiwan applies lessons from the Ukraine War to prepare for a potential invasion from the People’s Republic of China.  Ukraine Today, Taiwan Tomorrow Guest Biographies April A. Herlevi is a Senior Research Scientist in CNA’s China Studies program. She is an expert on the People’s Republic of China (PRC) foreign and security policy, economic statecraft for technology acquisition, and the increasing role of PRC commercial, economic, and military actors globally. Dr. Pollpeter is the Director of Research at the Air University’s