Table C-2.  FY 2007 Non-Prior Service (NPS) Selected Reserve Enlisted Gains by Age, Marital Status, and Gender with Civilian Comparison Group
a.  Number
AGE Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Males Females Total   Males Females Total
17 17 9,360 9,377 18 3,333 3,351 35 12,693 12,728 0.18% 0.54% 0.27% 7,619 20,139 27,758
18 75 10,431 10,506 46 2,664 2,710 121 13,095 13,216 0.71% 1.70% 0.92% 19,209 50,261 69,470
19 145 7,534 7,679 84 1,707 1,791 229 9,241 9,470 1.89% 4.69% 2.42% 32,275 106,017 138,293
20 238 5,194 5,432 109 1,130 1,239 347 6,324 6,671 4.38% 8.80% 5.20% 65,346 192,996 258,342
21 329 3,532 3,861 110 776 886 439 4,308 4,747 8.52% 12.42% 9.25% 141,804 278,889 420,693
22 342 2,614 2,956 97 520 617 439 3,134 3,573 11.57% 15.72% 12.29% 211,209 344,978 556,187
23 369 1,679 2,048 107 414 521 476 2,093 2,569 18.02% 20.54% 18.53% 284,701 500,244 784,945
24 375 1,258 1,633 108 286 394 483 1,544 2,027 22.96% 27.41% 23.83% 453,413 681,249 1,134,662
25 345 912 1,257 93 216 309 438 1,128 1,566 27.45% 30.10% 27.97% 590,892 819,389 1,410,281
26 328 696 1,024 93 158 251 421 854 1,275 32.03% 37.05% 33.02% 717,779 946,236 1,664,015
27 293 530 823 90 132 222 383 662 1,045 35.60% 40.54% 36.65% 833,137 967,538 1,800,675
28 269 414 683 72 111 183 341 525 866 39.39% 39.34% 39.38% 884,871 1,031,253 1,916,124
29 237 310 547 64 78 142 301 388 689 43.33% 45.07% 43.69% 988,062 1,125,800 2,113,862
30 224 259 483 65 89 154 289 348 637 46.38% 42.21% 45.37% 1,095,289 1,127,960 2,223,249
31 193 177 370 45 63 108 238 240 478 52.16% 41.67% 49.79% 1,059,877 1,178,738 2,238,615
32 169 157 326 41 63 104 210 220 430 51.84% 39.42% 48.84% 1,187,271 1,225,046 2,412,317
33 155 136 291 46 42 88 201 178 379 53.26% 52.27% 53.03% 1,180,057 1,173,283 2,353,340
34 174 129 303 41 52 93 215 181 396 57.43% 44.09% 54.29% 1,208,117 1,264,073 2,472,190
35 160 100 260 38 44 82 198 144 342 61.54% 46.34% 57.89% 1,376,095 1,369,816 2,745,911
36+ 570 442 1,012 180 177 357 750 619 1,369 56.32% 50.42% 54.78% NA NA NA
Unknown 0 1 1 0 0 0 0 1 1 0.00% NA 0.00% 0 0 0
TOTAL 5,007 45,865 50,872 1,547 12,055 13,602 6,554 57,920 64,474 9.84% 11.37% 10.17% 12,337,024 14,403,906 26,740,931
b.  Percent
AGE Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Married Single Total   Males Females Total
17 0.18% 99.82% 100.00% 0.54% 99.46% 100.00% 0.27% 99.73% 100.00% 0.33% 0.89% 0.60%
18 0.71% 99.29% 100.00% 1.70% 98.30% 100.00% 0.92% 99.08% 100.00% 0.94% 2.59% 1.74%
19 1.89% 98.11% 100.00% 4.69% 95.31% 100.00% 2.42% 97.58% 100.00% 1.70% 5.81% 3.71%
20 4.38% 95.62% 100.00% 8.80% 91.20% 100.00% 5.20% 94.80% 100.00% 3.14% 9.57% 6.30%
21 8.52% 91.48% 100.00% 12.42% 87.58% 100.00% 9.25% 90.75% 100.00% 6.74% 14.05% 10.29%
22 11.57% 88.43% 100.00% 15.72% 84.28% 100.00% 12.29% 87.71% 100.00% 10.34% 17.45% 13.84%
23 18.02% 81.98% 100.00% 20.54% 79.46% 100.00% 18.53% 81.47% 100.00% 14.67% 24.48% 19.70%
24 22.96% 77.04% 100.00% 27.41% 72.59% 100.00% 23.83% 76.17% 100.00% 21.64% 32.52% 27.08%
25 27.45% 72.55% 100.00% 30.10% 69.90% 100.00% 27.97% 72.03% 100.00% 27.16% 39.41% 33.15%
26 32.03% 67.97% 100.00% 37.05% 62.95% 100.00% 33.02% 66.98% 100.00% 34.48% 44.94% 39.74%
27 35.60% 64.40% 100.00% 40.54% 59.46% 100.00% 36.65% 63.35% 100.00% 40.14% 47.93% 43.98%
28 39.39% 60.61% 100.00% 39.34% 60.66% 100.00% 39.38% 60.62% 100.00% 44.81% 52.39% 48.60%
29 43.33% 56.67% 100.00% 45.07% 54.93% 100.00% 43.69% 56.31% 100.00% 50.37% 55.13% 52.79%
30 46.38% 53.62% 100.00% 42.21% 57.79% 100.00% 45.37% 54.63% 100.00% 54.46% 55.60% 55.04%
31 52.16% 47.84% 100.00% 41.67% 58.33% 100.00% 49.79% 50.21% 100.00% 57.73% 61.67% 59.74%
32 51.84% 48.16% 100.00% 39.42% 60.58% 100.00% 48.84% 51.16% 100.00% 61.71% 63.97% 62.84%
33 53.26% 46.74% 100.00% 52.27% 47.73% 100.00% 53.03% 46.97% 100.00% 63.54% 64.85% 64.19%
34 57.43% 42.57% 100.00% 44.09% 55.91% 100.00% 54.29% 45.71% 100.00% 64.39% 64.88% 64.64%
35 61.54% 38.46% 100.00% 46.34% 53.66% 100.00% 57.89% 42.11% 100.00% 66.45% 66.83% 66.64%
36+ 56.32% 43.68% 100.00% 50.42% 49.58% 100.00% 54.78% 45.22% 100.00% NA NA NA
Unknown 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% NA NA NA 0.00% 100.00% 100.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00%
TOTAL 9.84% 90.16% 100.00% 11.37% 88.63% 100.00% 10.17% 89.83% 100.00% 32.13% 37.88% 34.99%
      Rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding.
      Source:  Civilian data from Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey, October 2006-September 2007 average.