Table B-35.  FY 2006 Active Component Officer Accessions by Occupational Area and Service
                        OCCUPATIONAL AREA  
Engineering Scientists Supply,
General Tactical and and Health Admin- Procurement, Non-
SERVICE Officers* Operations Intelligence Maintenance Professionals Care istration and Allied Occupational** TOTAL
a.  Number
ARMY 1 2,498 372 1,158 286 1,455 365 573 27 6,735
NAVY 0 60 84 280 126 731 101 177 2,187 3,746
MARINE CORPS 1 94 9 11 51 0 21 17 1,374 1,578
AIR FORCE 2 410 202 638 287 632 195 217 1,823 4,406
DoD TOTAL 4 3,062 667 2,087 750 2,818 682 984 5,411 16,465
b.  Percent
ARMY 0.01% 37.09% 5.52% 17.19% 4.25% 21.60% 5.42% 8.51% 0.40% 100.00%
NAVY 0.00% 1.60% 2.24% 7.47% 3.36% 19.51% 2.70% 4.73% 58.38% 100.00%
MARINE CORPS 0.06% 5.96% 0.57% 0.70% 3.23% 0.00% 1.33% 1.08% 87.07% 100.00%
AIR FORCE 0.05% 9.31% 4.58% 14.48% 6.51% 14.34% 4.43% 4.93% 41.38% 100.00%
DoD TOTAL 0.02% 18.60% 4.05% 12.68% 4.56% 17.12% 4.14% 5.98% 32.86% 100.00%
*  Calculations do not include 18 Marine Corps and 3 Air Force O-6 officers classified as general officers by the Services.
**Non-occupational includes patients, students, those with unassigned duties, and unknowns.
    Rows may not add to totals due to rounding.

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