Table B-13.  FY 2006 PS Active Component  Enlisted Accessions*  by Age, Service, and Gender with Civilian Comparison Group
AGE Males Females Total   Males Females Total   Males Females Total   Males Females Total   Males Females Total   Males Females Total
a.  Number
17 1 0 1 0 0 0 2 0 2 0 0 0 3 0 3 851,960 873,607 1,725,567
18 49 17 66 9 3 12 12 2 14 6 2 8 76 24 100 1,092,240 994,271 2,086,512
19 204 47 251 34 12 46 45 13 58 14 5 19 297 77 374 1,222,664 1,129,931 2,352,595
20 349 72 421 43 6 49 51 7 58 16 6 22 459 91 550 1,540,302 1,306,590 2,846,893
21 392 80 472 40 7 47 51 4 55 15 5 20 498 96 594 1,561,950 1,280,426 2,842,376
22 568 116 684 39 10 49 81 10 91 14 3 17 702 139 841 1,586,715 1,419,984 3,006,699
23 737 104 841 55 14 69 117 9 126 29 7 36 938 134 1,072 1,676,233 1,502,051 3,178,284
24 789 90 879 69 12 81 130 10 140 34 6 40 1,022 118 1,140 1,809,064 1,525,376 3,334,440
25+ 5,252 611 5,863 325 37 362 478 29 507 182 28 210 6,237 705 6,942 19,959,197 16,148,159 36,107,356
TOTAL 8,341 1,137 9,478   614 101 715   967 84 1,051   310 62 372   10,232 1,384 11,616   31,300,326 26,180,395 57,480,721
b.  Percent
17 0.01% 0.00% 0.01% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.21% 0.00% 0.19% 0.00% 0.00% 0.00% 0.03% 0.00% 0.03% 2.72% 3.34% 3.00%
18 0.59% 1.50% 0.70% 1.47% 2.97% 1.68% 1.24% 2.38% 1.33% 1.94% 3.23% 2.15% 0.74% 1.73% 0.86% 3.49% 3.80% 3.63%
19 2.45% 4.13% 2.65% 5.54% 11.88% 6.43% 4.65% 15.48% 5.52% 4.52% 8.06% 5.11% 2.90% 5.56% 3.22% 3.91% 4.32% 4.09%
20 4.18% 6.33% 4.44% 7.00% 5.94% 6.85% 5.27% 8.33% 5.52% 5.16% 9.68% 5.91% 4.49% 6.58% 4.73% 4.92% 4.99% 4.95%
21 4.70% 7.04% 4.98% 6.51% 6.93% 6.57% 5.27% 4.76% 5.23% 4.84% 8.06% 5.38% 4.87% 6.94% 5.11% 4.99% 4.89% 4.94%
22 6.81% 10.20% 7.22% 6.35% 9.90% 6.85% 8.38% 11.90% 8.66% 4.52% 4.84% 4.57% 6.86% 10.04% 7.24% 5.07% 5.42% 5.23%
23 8.84% 9.15% 8.87% 8.96% 13.86% 9.65% 12.10% 10.71% 11.99% 9.35% 11.29% 9.68% 9.17% 9.68% 9.23% 5.36% 5.74% 5.53%
24 9.46% 7.92% 9.27% 11.24% 11.88% 11.33% 13.44% 11.90% 13.32% 10.97% 9.68% 10.75% 9.99% 8.53% 9.81% 5.78% 5.83% 5.80%
25+ 62.97% 53.74% 61.86% 52.93% 36.63% 50.63% 49.43% 34.52% 48.24% 58.71% 45.16% 56.45% 60.96% 50.94% 59.76% 63.77% 61.68% 62.82%
TOTAL 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00% 100.00%
*   The Population Representation in the Military Services (POPREP) is based on data from the Defense Manpower Data Center (DMDC). Breakouts of accessions by service component and prior service/non-prior  
     service designation will not match reports by individual services because of differences in defining prior service accessions. DMDC uses the Defense Enrollment Eligibility Reporting System (DEERS) to determine  
     prior service, but the services each use their own criteria.
**Comparison group includes civilians in the work force.
    Rows and columns may not add to totals due to rounding.
    Source:  Civilian data from Bureau of Labor Statistics Current Population Survey File, October 2005-September 2006.

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